Thursday, March 3, 2011

ACT Readiness

Great feelings today. I took all of my juniors today to the computer lab (I have all but five of the juniors in school) and we registered every student for the ACT. EVERY STUDENT. One more time, EVERY STUDENT. What a great feeling. We have prepared them, we have registered them, we have given them fee waivers. We are going to send a letter home, we are going to use SchoolCast (a phone system that calls all listed) to remind parents and students the day before. We have used all of our tools to excite them, prepare them, and get them there. I feel great about it.

The counselor was organized and effective. She provided their SSN and fee waiver sheet. The kids did it during class time and finished (with the exception of one) in class, printed off their admission ticket (that they turned into the office), and understand why they are signed up.

Go kiddos! I'm going to drive around on test day picking up their asses too. Don't doubt it for a second.

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