Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dear blank, please blank.

Dear blank, please blank.

Such a funny website. Love! Submit some good ones.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

All Tied to Minnesota. BOOM.

At the Risk of...

sounding too cocky, I just want to say this; I could be a really fucking good teacher if I wanted to be. I have had 3 snow days, and 2 days this weekend alone (roommates were at a conference) and I got an insane amount of work done. I have the entire next month planned out for my 11th grade, down to the minute. I have a folder for every student with their review work, their handouts, their calendar, their personal tracker, and even an ACTAAP (our state test) rubric breakdown. WTF.

It's actually kind of pitiful that I don't perform like this all of the time. If I put in this much effort and was this persistent, absolutely my students would be achieving mountains. Sometimes when you get bogged down with so much other stuff (social, extra curriculars, grading, monotonous tasks assigned by the school, etc.) there is an easy way to deal with it: live day to day. Welp, apparently having a few days off and being lonely changes that RIGHT around.

If I wanted to be a teacher for the rest of my life (I don't) I think I would be pretty bomb.com in about two years. Once I've rattled the cages regarding texts kids like, practiced some iffy lessons, and refined my skill set - there's really no reason why I wouldn't be good (well, unless I hated it). I love kids. I love my school (most days). But it is so easy to get dragged into the mundane everyday tasks and get so far behind. Perspective. This is what I needed. My roommates got to go the the Teach for America 20th Anniversary Summit for some new perspective and a renewed sense of commitment. I apparently just needed to stay here for some.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Testing Crunch Time

I had four snow days last week. I don't know if you know, but there's only 5 school days in a week. R.i.d.i.c.u.l.o.u.s. Not helping my stress levels either. I have this big countdown in my room....28...27...26...25...24. That's how many days there are until my state exam. My "End of Course" (I use the term loosely, since clearly we're not at the end of any course in MARCH) is the first of all state exams in Arkansas, but also one of the biggest regarding "high stake tests." The 11th literacy, 9th Algebra, 10th Geometry, and 7/8th literacy exams are the tests considered "high stakes." All of those exams do not occur until late April.

Unfortunately I do not have that option. These snow days are making me go a little insane in the membrane. I keep thinking about what to do with the kiddos to make up missing work, or how I should have started earlier, or how I should have given homework packets, or how I wish I could send them work via text. Ugh. Sleep. No. Student. Achievement. Tonight.

Moving Mountains

Not really, friends. But we did win our basketball game today. At halftime it was 29 to 1. 29 to 1. I have never felt that as a coach. Never. I didn't actually know what to do. I was so nervous they were going to come back! Which is ridiculous in high school basketball.

Anyway, we won. 49 to 6. And I got to play the bottom six players on the team for quite awhile, which is always a good feeling. Yayyyyyyyy.

Phone Down

Blahhhhhh, phone down. I repeat, phone down. Lammmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Friday, February 11, 2011

Boredom Ensuessssss


I am SO freaking bored. I have been at home for 2 and a half days. I have applied to jobs, done a LOT of work, cleaned, done more work, watch too many movies, and read 4 books. What DO I DO?

We have had school for one day (Tuesday) and one hour (Wednesday). The rest of the week = home.

It's confirmed. I am ignoring the other parts of me that want to stay here for the kids and my school. I literally can not stay here. I am bored out of my mind and don't have options. I need a city. I need interaction. I need socializing. I need something. more. than. this. place. SO BORED.

BORED. That's all. Check ya later.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Delta Moments, #237

Ran out of gas last night. In a field. At night.

Sounds like the start to a horrible story right? It's not. Literally put my hazards on, and a Suburban about 800 feet in front of us hits his breaks, turns around (on the same side of the road, mind you), and in insane true to Delta form, had a freaking trailer on the back of his truck. A la 15 minutes later I was in a gas station, for free, without a problem, filling up my tank. Delta FOR THE WIN.

What is my life? And I asked the two guys if they wanted me to buy them gas? chicken? Sprite? Something???? No. Just to top off their tank ($10). I mean I really must have done something right for the last month because I don't know how that kind of thing happens.

Pay it forward. Immediately.

Mature people truths

Mature people truths

Tuesday, February 1, 2011