Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Day, Snow Day

It's been a lovely Monday! Calming, cleaning, reorganizing, planning, reading.... all of the above AT HOME. Again, we had a snow day! It's our third of the year, surprisingly. This one was actually legitimate, as there is about 4 inches of snow outside. Down here, they don't have plows or really even shovels, so it looks like we might have tomorrow off too if it continues to get colder today.

It was nice to have the day off. My parents came down to visit on Friday, and we spend the rest of the weekend in Memphis. When the arrived in C on Friday they were able to attend two of my basketball games, and walk around the school. It was fun to show them where I work and the people I work with.

Sometimes I think it is difficult to imagine what this place is like without some first hand experience! After a busy busy Friday (we didn't get to Memphis until 1130) we spend Saturday touring the Civil Rights Museum and visiting Graceland. Both were great exhibits, and I would highly recommend them for anyone who is traveling to this area soon. I rather enjoyed the Civil Rights Museum, as there were a lot of things that I didn't know about the movement. I think it was especially great because a lot of my friends in the Corps actually live in the towns that were mentioned frequently.

Sunday we spent bumming around the city, then both parties headed home for the week to begin. I had a lovely surprise this morning, when at 530AM I was called to say we had a snow day! So, I am going to spend some of that time writing to you, world. Sorry I have been so horrible. Hopefully this will offer some insight into my last few weeks.

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