Sunday, December 12, 2010


Had such a great day yesterday. I laughed so much, probably the most I have in a few months. As I mentioned in a previous post I brought my students on a field trip of sorts this weekend. I had seven great students with me, and it was quite a solid experience. Some highlights:

1. Students spoke in front of about 75-100 2009-2010 TFA Corps Members and did a wonderful job
2. One student performed 3 "blues" songs for the crowd, and they erupted at the conclusion of each song. He really was spectacular.
3. Took the students "ice" skating (on fake ice) - a first for ALL of them. hahahaha IMAGINE
4. Seeing Santa walking down the street in downtown Helena, AR and the students calling him over to ask for their presents
5. Taking students to Mexican - another FIRST for them and them going crazy over guacamole, salsa, beans in their burritos, etc.
6. Telling the restaurant that it was one of the student's birthday (at that restaurant they give you a sombrero, sing, and put whip cream on your face from the desert you get)
7. Students then taking said desert and slamming me in the face with it
8. Taking them to the Helena Blues Heritage Center to see a little history
9. Student performing again at a restaurant later for more TFA
10. Driving 7 students home in a ghetto school car (doors don't open from the inside, apparently no shocks left, and steering about 6 inches off to the right) and them screaming every song
11. Students answering my phone at any point and freaking out many friends hahaha

One of the best days I have had in a long time. And, surprisingly, it was school related - something I try desperately to escape on the weekends. But then again, as time has passed I have clearly realized that students are not the problem at my school. They are in fact what keeps us going everyday.

Pictures to follow!

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