Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pine Bluff Friends!

Our new nearest friends! YAY! The Pine Bluff Corps Members (all 6 of them) are officially our nearest friends! They are a great group of people that have a lot going on and I am sure are going to do great things in the coming years. Each one has a strong personality and seems to have a great work ethic.

They are also placed in one of the more "urban" areas of the Delta. This group will be in a town that used to be upwards of 60,000 people (that's REAL big around here) but has in recent years drastically decreased in size due to racial tension. The students are definitely hardened and considered some of the more dangerous of most Delta schools.

Oh and P.S. their house is SICK. Let me tell you a few things that I found at the house today; a six car garage, a wrap around drive way, 7 bedrooms bathrooms for EVERYONE, top of the line kitchen, security system, master staircase, a pool, a pool room/cabana (seriously wtf!) a SLIDE to the pool - so bomb btw, a master suite with a whirlpool/hot tub, ETC. Like really, etc. That's not even everything. Sooooo, there's that.

We are officially no longer the coolest house in the Delta anymore. Super jealous.

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