I'm not sure if I wrote about it, but I had another huge success today!
SIX of my students were accepted into the ACT Academy at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, this summer!! This Academy offers the students an opportunity to go to the University for a week long instructional period. They are given free housing, food, and even travel! The students then participate in brain teasers and ACT prep for some period of time during the day, then are able to explore and participate in different activities around campus the rest of the time.
Another English teacher and I passed these out to the 11th graders and I made almost all of them fill it out. Because we are a high need area with usually only one or neither parent going to college, we had a much higher chance of getting kids accepted. But, I absolutely did not expect to get 6 kids into the program. I am happy happy happy for them!!! THIS could be that thing that interests them enough in going to college.
Great things are happening for these students, and I am happy to be a part of it!
(Oh, and summer is too close! :) )
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